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Squeezebox Server and related files to be localized

Work in progress...

The following is a list of files which are/have to be localized. The links refer to the trunk version (Squeezebox Server 7.6) - file location vary for other versions.

There is now a script to find missing translations called find_translations_todo.pl in the tools directory. It will recursively search directories for localization files (currently only strings.txt and global_strings.txt are supported), and can output as txt (in strings.txt style format) or as XML.

The Strings file format is described in this wiki.

File Product Encoding Line ending Tools used Note

strings.txt & Squeezebox Server Plugins

utf8 Unix Any decent texteditor


utf8 Unix ditto

Most strings are taken from Squeezebox Server, but the web interface still needs to be localized

English.isl, *.isl

Windows installer

utf8 Windows ditto one file per language

Windows installer

utf8 Windows ditto
Getting Started.html

Installer Windows, Mac

utf8, or using HTML entities ditto

SqueezeTray (Windows)

utf8 Unix ditto same structure as strings.txt files, to be merged manually

Squeezebox Server

 ??? Windows? ditto Not localized yet!
InfoPlist.strings Mac Preference Pane utf16? Unix nibtool, text editor the localized versions are stored in their own (Language).lproj folder
Localizable.strings Mac Preference Pane ditto ditto ditto ditto
MainMenu.nib Mac Preference Pane ditto ditto ditto ditto
Slim_ServerPref.nib Mac Preference Pane ditto ditto ditto ditto
InfoPlist.strings Mac Installer utf16? Unix nibtool, text editor the localized versions are stored in their own (Language).lproj folder
Localizable.strings Mac Installer ditto ditto ditto ditto
MainMenu.nib Mac Installer ditto ditto ditto ditto
*strings.txt global_strings.txt


utf8 Unix ditto Applets have applet-specific strings.txt files (share/applets/<appletName>/strings.txt) Global strings found at share/jive/global_strings.txt