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Home of the Squeezebox™ & Transporter® network music players.

Logitech Media Server as a Service

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To run Squeezebox Server as a Windows Service on on Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Run Squeezebox Control Panel by right-clicking the icon in the Start menu and selecting the "Run as Administrator" option.
  2. Next, go to the Status tab and select "Automatically run at system start".
  3. If the username and password are blank, Squeezebox Server will run as Local System. Otherwise, providing a username and password will allow the service to access that user's iTunes files and network shares.

The Servicename is squeezesvr.exe, with Net start |find "squeezesvr" || Net start squeezesvr you can start the Server - if its not running. (That comandline needs Adminrights)